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ICEBOX: Speedgunner - Review

      Icebox speedgunner is a competitive first person shooter where you need to run against the clock to complete each level, the controls are intuitive and easy to learn, the graphics are good and light (you don't need a high-end computer to play it and have fun).
     The main quest of the game is to escape the icebox and for that you'll have assistance from a hacker and some pretty cool weapons. You are a speedgunner so you need to run and shoot, but it is not that simple..  you'll be able to slow time and gravity down, double jump and no need to reload (one of the best parts).
      One interesting part of the game is the music, it is so good that it makes you want to run, it is a kind of futuristic sound that matches exactly with the game atmosphere.
      Another great point is the leaderboard where you compete with other players globally.
      It's a great game, super cheap and packaged with a tons of fun.   


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